Welcome to the Plant Science Learning Hub
A fun and educational resource hub designed for educators and students to explore the science of Australian native plants.
Garden of Science
We are more than a beautiful display of Australian native flowers and landscapes – we are a world-renowned scientific institution discovering ways to grow, protect and conserve native plants. Our research and horticultural expertise help us care for more than 77,000 Australian native plants, making ours the largest living collection of Australian native plants in the world!
Aligning with the Australian curriculum, we provide experiential and enquiry based learning through online content and on-site facilitated and do it yourself programs. Our living collection of Australian native plants and behind-the-scenes conservation and research work is at the core of the education services we provide.
The Plant Science Learning Hub has been produced with support from the Friends of the Australian National Botanic Gardens, visit www.friendsanbg.org.au.